It was not uncommon for Arroyo to reprint broadsides years after the original publication. For example, this broadside with an initial date of ca. 1892, supports the understanding that many of these stories were not completely factual. Furthermore, it was unlikely that the same series of events, with the same cast of characters, took place nearly 20 years later. Why would Arroyo reprint the same story and use the same engraving by Posada? Perhaps, Arroyo felt that enough time had passed to reintroduce a story that was sensational enough to draw attention.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
Asombroso Suceso (Astonishing Incident), 1909 (reprint of original, ca. 1892)
Broadside (recto), woodcut and type-metal engraving on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase