Al C. General Porfirio Díaz. Actual Presidente de la República Mexicana. (To C. General Porfirio Díaz. Current President of the Mexican Republic.)

Posada produced several portraits of General Porfirio Díaz, the president of the Mexican Republic from 1876 to 1911. This formal example includes a birthday message to the president, congratulates him on his accomplishments, and insists that the people of the Mexican Republic are happy. Media praise for Díaz was preferred considering that criticism was faced with imprisonment. However, since he was not entirely favored by the lower classes, the audience for the broadside, the question arises if this article is sincere. Posada and Arroyo may have been coerced to issue such a propaganda piece to override any bad press towards the regime and to avoid penalty.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
Al C. General Porfirio Díaz. Actual Presidente de la República Mexicana. (To C. General Porfirio Díaz. Current President of the Mexican Republic.), ca. 1899
Broadside (recto), type-metal engraving on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase