How Remarkable Studies Are Made: The Significance Of A Strong Foundation Of Theory

A foundation of theory is an academic research principle that means the collection of all assumptions, hypotheses, and ideas that guide your study. It’s used interchangeably with a theoretical framework.

Any notable study is based on a robust foundation of theory. More than just a set of all ideas and hypotheses, a foundation of theory is itself a grander theory that oversees and course-corrects the research work that follows it.

In this article, we’re going to find out more about the unique significance of a strong foundation of theory and how can it help your research.

The cornerstone

It’s true that the majority of research work is scrupulous problem-solving. You identify a problem and aim to solve it. From discovering something new to building up on a well-known subject matter, the objectives of a study can be very far-ranging. But one thing that remains consistent in all good studies is that it’s always focused on a problem statement.

The foundation of theory is the very cornerstone that helps you solve the problems you wish to tackle in your research.

Theoretical definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Working first on a theoretical foundation, theoretical framework, or foundation of theory will often help you describe a problem with added clarity. And that, in its turn, takes us to the inevitable – a better, more concise solution to your research problem.

The job of a theoretical foundation as a cornerstone cannot be celebrated enough in academic research and writing. It holds all that’s relevant for your objectives and problem. It additionally incorporates all relevant hypotheses and ideas involving the constructs and variables that are central to your study.

Incidentally, the foundation of theory acts as:

  • An anchor that keeps you grounded and your scope narrowed,
  • A guiding light that you can refer to in order to further your study, and
  • A tool that can help you find missing links, logical connections, or gaps to work on.

Theories from multiple domains

You’re not limited to your field of study when compiling a comprehensive foundation of theory. A researcher looking into wind patterns might need to find theories in a variety of domains, such as travel research and even economics.

The correct method of putting together a theoretical foundation is to trace all relevant theories back to their origin with historical context regardless of what field they are in.

This gives you a powerful insight into the research problem.

A foundation of theory is often established through a review of existing literature, empirical evidence, and logical reasoning, and it helps to ensure that the theoretical framework is grounded in established principles and has the potential to contribute to new knowledge in the field.

But it should never be limited to one field.

Widen your search criteria. All of the theories in your foundation can be applied to form arguments in your study. It’s a whole process to figure out just how.

Wrapping up

A strong foundation of theory is critical to academic success. It improves the quality of your research and gives your work added credibility.

You might be directed to summarize your theoretical foundation in a few paragraphs in the introduction or literature review. But if not, it’s better to have it in mind or separately. You draw from this well as and when needed, including in your research text and subtext.

Wield it in a way that shapes your research from start to finish. Doing the same work without having prepared a robust foundation of theory can reduce the quality of your work and the weight carried by your arguments, as they won’t be based on peer-reviewed research.