Featured Artwork: The Cycle of Life: Childhood, Adulthood, Elderhood

Artist: Opening Minds Through Art artists at The Knolls of Oxford, the Oxford Healthcare Center, and the Memory Cafe at the Oxford Lane Library and Miami students

Medium: 3D Acrylic on Canvas, Dance and Video

Dimensions: 3 cylinders each 64″ long with 25″diameter

Artist Statement: We all form social circles. Some stretch these circles to make friends outside the tribe. That’s what we do in OMA, Opening Minds through Art and Memory Cafes. Miami students, people living with dementia and their care partners sat in a circle to paint thousands of circles. Using bicycle rims, these are hung as three cylinders, each symbolizing a stage of the life cycle: childhood, adulthood, and elderhood. Each cylinder hides a dancer who slithers out to the tune of the Beatles, “”Because the world is round.”” A video capturing the collaborative process is part of this multimedia artwork.

Watch the dance performance here