
Concert No. 1: OMEA Preview Concert
Wednesday, February 1st, 2023, Hall Auditorium, Miami University
Free and open to the public

The Miami University Symphony Orchestra has been invited to perform at the Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference in Columbus, OH. Join us as we present our preview concert for this event!

Concert No. 2: OMEA

Friday February 3rd, 5pm, Greater Columbus Convention Center

Our performance of Beethoven 7th and Mozart’s Abduction of the Seraglio will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Please follow the link below for more information!

Concert No. 3:
Thursday March 9th, 7:30PM, Hall Auditorium

Miami University
Free and open to the public

Information TBA

Concert No. 4: Winners of the Concerto Competition
Friday May 5th, 7:30PM, Hall Auditorium

Miami University
Free and open to the public

Information TBA