Welcome to a new semester! Whether you’re just getting started with your online educational journey or have taken many online courses, we have some tips and resources to make the most of your experience. Technology is constantly changing. We all have to adapt and learn new processes. This blog shares top online success tips from faculty and staff, current best practices in Canvas with links, and other helpful resources.
Start the Semester Prepped for Success
Taking care of a few initial tasks will help alleviate future headaches with apps and hardware.
- PLEASE don’t use your phone to complete your online coursework; use a laptop or a desktop computer. Free computer labs are also available if you can come to campus. You can also rent or purchase an approved computer with Miami. Our faculty, IT department, and staff want you to have the best experience possible.
- Clear your browser cache at the beginning of every term. This will help your browser to work more efficiently.
- Ensure that you can meet these technical requirements to access your online courses in Canvas:
- Browsers: Latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers
- Computer System: Mac or PC capable of running at 2 GHz or greater (Canvas’s basic computer specifications have more information)
- Internet Connection: Broadband Internet connection supporting data rates of 3.0 Mbps or greater (test your connection speed at Speedtest.net)
- Software: Microsoft Office 2013 and Google Suite

If you’re a registered Miami University student, you can access Google Suite apps through your Miami UniqueID and MUnet Password.
About Canvas and Canvas Tips and Tricks
All your courses are hosted in Canvas, Miami University’s official learning management system. Canvas is a web-based product of Instructure. Before you get started, make sure you meet the technical recommendations for using Canvas and get to know some of its most commonly used features.
Canvas Guides
Canvas Guides are an excellent resource for learning about how Canvas features work. Access student support Canvas guides in text and video formats — use what works best for you. These guides show you step-by-step how to use the features of Canvas in a course.
Your instructor will post announcements as a welcome, reminder, or update on course activities.
Modules are organizational tools instructors use, similar to file folders where all the necessary materials for the class are gathered.
The instructor will set up discussions, assignments, and quizzes, which can be found in the To Do list, in Modules, and in the Assignments course navigation link. Review the information below for submissions for each type of assignment. Discussions, assignments, and quizzes are all identified in Canvas as assignments — the Gradebook includes all of these.
Rich Content Editor
The rich content editor (RCE) allows you to style and draft text replies, embed media content, and add images to discussions, feedback, and assignments with text submission. The RCE will also let you style text, selecting different typefaces and colors, creating tables, and adding sources via hyperlinks.
Submitting Coursework
The instructor sets up the submission type for each assignment.
Your instructor may set an assignment that requires you to submit work by uploading a document, typing in a text box, recording a video, or a combination of these. Refer to this Canvas Guide, How do I submit an online assignment?
You’ll find discussion forums throughout this course, allowing you to respond to questions and ask your own. Typically, the instructor will post a prompt and require you to respond to the prompt and your classmates. Please make sure to review the instructions and in particular, the due dates included for each discussion you are assigned.
You will frequently take quizzes in Canvas as the course progresses — to check your knowledge of the topics covered. Quizzes may contain multiple-choice, multiple-answer, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and essay questions. Please read each question carefully. Most question types are automatically graded, with essay questions being the exception.
Essay questions will require you to use the RCE to submit your answer. Your instructor will manually score essay questions.

In the Grades section, you can review scores on work you’ve completed in this course. You can see your grades as your progress in the course and you can use Canvas’ What If? Grades to calculate how future scores will impact your overall grade.
Canvas FAQs
Can I access Canvas from a phone or tablet?
Yes! You can access Canvas using an Android phone, Android tablet, iOS phone, or iOS tablet. You can find more information on how to use Canvas on your mobile device in the Canvas Mobile Guides.
Learn more about device compatibility

Top Tip:
All submissions for assignments and quizzes should only be completed on a computer with a stable internet connection. Using a tablet or the Canvas Student app may result in unexpected results such as submissions failing to go through, a quiz answer not being recorded, or even the quiz not being submitted.
How do I customize my Canvas profile?
In your Canvas profile, you can upload a profile picture, add a bio, and link to your social media profiles.
Learn more about Canvas profiles
How do I set which notifications I receive from Canvas?
You can customize which notifications you receive from Canvas, how you get them, and how often they’re sent.
Learn more about notifications
Canvas Resources and Support
If you have trouble using Canvas or want more information on performing basic tasks, please follow these links for assistance:
- All Canvas Student Videos (by Instructure, the company behind Canvas)
- Canvas Student Support Guides (also by Instructure)
- Miami IT Services Knowledge Base
- Miami Online Student Tech and Canvas Support
- Miami Online Student Resources
- Miami Online Student FAQ
Student Learning Resources
Howe Writing Center
The Howe Writing Center (HWC) is for all students who want support with their writing projects. Consultants are undergraduate and graduate Miami students carefully trained in writing theory and writing center practices. Consultations last 45 minutes and are scheduled on the hour. They offer virtual and in-person options. You’ll need to register for an account — this only takes a minute.
Visit the HWC website to easily schedule appointments and learn more.
Regionals Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC)
Undergraduate students may use this free resource offered through the regional campuses. The TLC provides virtual and in-person tutoring and support for various subjects.
Visit the TLC website to schedule a session or learn more.
How do I get Textbooks, Course Materials, and Computers?
Campus bookstore
Buy your textbooks at Miami’s online bookstore — eCampus, also known as Brick and Ivy. They guarantee the right professor-selected course materials at the right price and time. Before purchasing, you may also want to check campus libraries. You may be able to borrow books and materials for no cost.
All students can access King Library. Undergraduate online students can also utilize the regional libraries.
Student Laptop Program
Learn more about purchasing or renting a laptop computer with Miami’s streamlined program.

Top Tips for Success in Online Classes
We spoke with Tom Mays, Ph.D., Miami University Chair and Associate Professor of Commerce, for tips on how to work well in Canvas and how to succeed as an online student.
- Access the same info many ways. Keep in mind that Canvas features many ways to access information in your courses. Use the method that works best for you.
- Know how to navigate to the Calendar in Canvas. You can see all of your assignments here. You can also connect the Canvas calendar to your Google calendar to see everything on one screen.
- Check grades regularly — about once a month. Errors can happen; don’t wait until the end of the semester to try to resolve grade issues. Be proactive and advocate for yourself. Learn more about checking your grades in Canvas.
- Respond to faculty questions. When you receive an assignment back from your instructor, check for comments on your work — you may receive helpful feedback. By responding, you create a dialogue and help your instructors understand your thinking.
- Attend Virtual Office Hours. Take the time to ask your professor questions. They are experts in their fields and may offer suggestions from life experience. Many faculty have a link in their email signature so that you can easily schedule a meeting with them.
What if I Still Have Technology Questions?
Implementing these technology strategies will help your online student journey. However, if you still have questions, don’t panic. Contact the IT HelpDesk by chat or phone for additional support. You can also search the Knowledge Base for solutions to common issues through the IT Help Portal. Direct Canvas-specific questions to Miami Online.
For General Technology Questions
Call the HelpDesk – 513-529-7900
For Canvas Questions
Email Miami Online at MiamiOnline@miamioh.edu
Call the Miami Online Help Desk – 513-217-4003
Content written and compiled by Miami Online staff, including Carrie Geygan, Kit Kirby, and Cynthia Govreau. Miami Online thanks Tom Mays, Ph.D., for online student success tips.