Screenshot of the Interviewee explaining their microcredential and applicable skills.

Job Search: How to showcase your certificates, microcredentials on a resume and during the interview


The article highlights the importance of showcasing alternative credentials on a resume and during job interviews. It provides tips such as creating a separate section for credentials, mentioning issuing organizations, providing dates, describing skills, and using visuals. Effective communication of credentials enhances job prospects.

Alternative credentials, such as Microcredentials, are becoming increasingly popular in today’s job market. Some question whether Microcredentials are worth it. They are worth it when job seekers know how to communicate their value. It is important to practice talking about them in an interview and on your resume. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips on how to effectively communicate your alternative credentials on your resume and in an interview.

Consider how your Microcredential sets you apart—did you apply the skills in case studies? Do you get college credit with your Microcredential like at Miami University Regionals? Have you applied the knowledge in a real project?


Effectively showcase your alternative credentials, such as Microcredentials or certificates, on your resume using these easy tips!

Create a separate section for your alternative credentials and licenses.

This can help draw attention to your specialized skills and highlight your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Include the name and issuing organization of the credential.

Make sure to include the name of the credential and the organization that issued it. This will provide context and credibility to your achievement.

Mention the date of issuance and expiration (if applicable).

Include the date when you received the credential and any expiration dates, if applicable. This will help demonstrate that your skills and knowledge are current and up-to-date.

Provide brief descriptions of the skills or knowledge you gained.

This will help the employer understand the value you can bring to the job and how your skills align with the job requirements.

List your credentials in reverse chronological order.

Start with the most recent. Relevant and up-to-date information should be presented first.

Highlight your achievements.

Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and any notable projects or assignments that you completed as part of earning the credential. This will help demonstrate your problem-solving skills and initiative.

Consider using graphics or emojis to make your credentials stand out.

If appropriate, consider using graphics or the badge you received upon completion to make your credentials and post stand out visually. 


Watch the video below on what you should and shouldn’t do when discussing Microcredentials in an interview.

In conclusion, effectively communicating your alternative credentials in an interview and on your resume can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your qualifications and expertise. By following these tips and being prepared, you can confidently articulate the value you can bring to the company and increase your chances of landing the job.

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