Tara Fickle
February 3, 2020 at 4:30 pm
Bachelor Reading Room
Sumathy Sivamohan, Talk and Screening
October 15th, 2019
Talk at 5:00 pm, Irvin 040
Screening at 6:00 pm, Art 100
Aimee Bahng
April 23, 2019 at 4:15 pm
Irvin Hall 040
Cristin Ellis
February 19, 2019 at 3 pm
Bachelor Reading Room
Archive Fever
September 18, 2018 at 4:30
Bachelor Reading Room

Archive Fever Poster

The Archive Fever panelists answer questions about archival research from audience members.

Students and faculty gather to learn more about archival research.
Beverly Guy-Sheftall
April 16, 2018 at 4:00 pm
152 Shideler Hall

Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Oxford Writing Festival
April 11 – 14, 2018
LitUnplugged: Blogging the Book
Dr. Erin Edwards
March 27, 2018, at 4:30
Bachelor Reading Room
Patrick Alexander
March 13, 2018 at 4:00
Bachelor Reading Room
Chris Vials Lecture
“Deep Roots Lecture: Fascist and Antifascist Conflict in the United States from the 1920s to the Age of Trump”
November 16, 2017
LitWorks: Student Panel on New Queer Media
November 1, 2017
- Graduate Student Joshua Jones presenting his research on New Queer Media
- BA/MA Student Samuel Hunter presents his research from his Summer Scholar’s project about Queer Cinema
Fright Night
October 14 2017 with faculty and students reading ghost stories
Story from the Miami Student covering the event: Literature Program hosts ‘Fright Night’
- Dr Katie Johnson performing a dramatic reading at Fright Night
LitUnplugged: Archive Fever
October 4, 2017 with Dr. Cynthia Klestinec and Dr. Collin Jennings
- Dr. Cindy Klestinec discusses her archival work in Venice
- Dr. Jennings presents about 18th-Century online poetry collections
It Can’t Happen Here Staged Reading
May 2, 2017
- Playbill of 44 pages edited by English 298 students Meg Matthias and Annie Eyre
- Staged Reading of It Can’t Happen Here with English 298 students
- Staged Reading of It Can’t Happen Here with students from English 298.
- Poster for It Can’t Happen Here designed by ENG 298 student Andrea Deleon
LitUnplugged: What To Do with a Literature Degree
April 4, 2017 with alumni Maggie Fibbe and Matt Levy
Donald Pease Lecture
“The Black Korean War Veteran in the Long War on Terror in Toni Morrison’s Home”
March 30, 2017
Edward P. Jones Fiction Reading
November 17, 2016
- Michele Navakas, Edward P. Jones, Cheryl Johnson & Katie Johnson at Jones’ fiction reading
Every 28 Hours Staged Reading
October 22, 2016
Miami’s staged reading of Every 28 Hours was part of a nation-wide project of 90 one-minute plays about the Black Lives Matter Movement. This production featured several English faculty (cris cheek, Stefanie Dunning, Katie Johnson), graduate and undergraduate students (Tammy Jolene, Delaney Heisterkamp, Joshua Harrington, Jared Bruett, Gabriella Pishotti, Jenny Henderson) and featured a vibrant community conversation after the performance.
- English students perform in Every 28 Hours
- A scene from Every 28 Hours featuring English faculty and students
- Every 28 Hours staged reading
LitUnplugged: Scholarship On Fleek—Keeping it Real
October 11, 2016 with Dr. Stefanie Dunning and Dr. Madelyn Detloff
Students on the film set of The Killing of a Sacred Deer
September 23, 2016
- Literature & Film students on the set of The Killing of a Sacred Deer