Where can I retrieve a recorded Zoom class meeting?

Where your recorded class sessions are saved depends on whether you opted to record them to the cloud or to your computer (i.e., locally). If you recorded your Zoom meeting to the cloud, students may be able to watch it within Canvas, or you can copy a sharing link from your account in Miami’s Zoom web portal. However, if you recorded your Zoom meeting locally (i.e., saved it on your computer), you’ll need to search for its video file within your computer’s Documents folder.

Where can I find Zoom chat logs and/or meetings I’ve recorded to my computer?

This is a great mystery for all Zoom users—not just Miami ones! When you record class sessions to your computer (instead of to the cloud), Zoom saves them within the “Documents” folder on your computer. In it, you’ll find a folder called “Zoom,” which has a subfolder for each of your Zoom meetings. It also downloads every meeting’s chat log to its meeting folder.

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