The maximum number of participants on a Google Jamboard when users are remote and joining through individual browsers is 50. This same limit applies to all Google apps, including Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.
What do I do when a student joins a meeting after I have already started breakout rooms in Zoom?
In Zoom’s breakout rooms panel, you can manually assign students to a room if they arrive after you’ve launched breakout rooms during your meeting. Unfortunately, Zoom won’t move them into a room automatically in any circumstance, including when you had Zoom automatically assign students to rooms or if you’ve pre-assigned students to rooms in advance of your meeting.
Why are my students not showing up in pre-assigned breakout rooms?
Some students log in to Zoom class meetings without using their Miami credentials, which means they aren’t being recognized in your manually pre-assigned breakout room since they’re based on email addresses. Also, students may experience issues joining meetings, or they can’t see polls when they join by browser or dial in. They need some guidance in knowing the best way to join your meeting.
Why can’t I access some options during my Zoom meeting?
If you aren’t seeing some options when you join one of your own Zoom meetings, like breakout rooms, screen sharing, polling, and recording, it means you’ve logged into the meeting as a participant instead of as a host. There are a few reasons why this might have happened, and more than one of them may apply to you. Review them all to learn how to resolve this issue.
Does Zoom record breakout rooms?
No—Zoom currently doesn’t record breakout rooms. If you opt to record a meeting to your computer, it’ll record breakout rooms as you visit them; if you opt to record to the cloud, it won’t record them at all. With cloud recording, Zoom will automatically pause recording when you send students into breakout rooms, then automatically resume when you close them.
How do I create a Webex Team for my course?
In Canvas, you’ll find Webex Teams listed as “Classroom Collaboration,” and when you enable it, a team for your course will automatically be created in Webex Teams, and all of your students will be invited to join it.
How do I set up a Canvas assignment when students are submitting a Google Doc?
This question that comes up a lot because the assignment submission options are kind of oddly named in Canvas. In your assignment’s settings, scroll down to the Submission Type box, and select Online on the dropdown menu’s options, then select the Website URL checkbox.
How can I make sure that files and other content I add to Canvas are accessible?
Three different features/tools are built in to Miami’s Canvas instance that you can use to check files, images, and other content you’ve added to your course to make sure they meet accessibility requirements.
Do you have information for students about Top Hat that I can include in my syllabus?
Yes! Top Has has provided us with boilerplate text that you can add to your syllabus (and edit if necessary) so students know how to get set up for your class.
What’s the difference between Top Hat and Turning Point?
That’s a question that requires a long answer! This document outlines them for you: Student Response Systems Comparison Table.