Distance Redux: The First 7 Minutes and 18 Seconds | Libby Morgan

Libby Slauenwhite is a Printmaking MFA candidate at Miami University Oxford and received her BFA from Wright State University. She is a multi-media artist working primarily in printmaking, textiles, and sculpting. As an Air Force child trying to reconcile a lifetime of moving with the home she is building for herself in Dayton, her work has taken on a journalistic approach. Some recurring themes include transition, domesticity, nature, distance, loneliness, travel, memory loss and the difficulties of being a young woman in the 21st century.

“This piece is a snapshot view of the distance I must traverse between my two homes: my FiancĂ© and home in Dayton, and my studio in Oxford. The journey progresses through a grid from left to right, top to bottom. The thick, black frames are reminiscent of a film-strip and reference the stop-motion way I remember the hour and a half long commutes. The repetition of very small prints represents the small impact my drive has on the environment and the worries I have about how they will accumulate as my studies at Miami University continue.”

Libby Morgan
Graduate, MFA (Printmaking)

Distance Redux: The First 7 Minutes and 18 Seconds, 2023
Linocut on paper, 39 x 36 inches