Monthly Archives: March 2023

Student Org Spotlight: Black Student Action Association

The Black Student Action Association, or BSAA, was the first multicultural organization formed on campus, founded in 1967. Dedicated to increasing Black representation and creating a safe space for minorities at a predominantly-white institution, BSAA fosters its own community within Miami while striving to better the conditions of Black students throughout Miami at large. Members like BSAA’s Vice President Kam Little show us what an uplifting impact student organizations like BSAA have on Miami’s campus. 

When Kam walked into her first BSAA general body meeting, she wasn’t yet involved in anything and wasn’t sure what to expect. Right away, she felt like she was truly entering an inclusive environment. “I felt welcomed, no questions asked. Everyone had a very ‘what can we do for you’ attitude,” Kam said when thinking back on that first experience with BSAA. Since then, she has seen the impact of the familiar faces and space to talk about shared experiences BSAA creates. Everybody contributes to the betterment of the organization. Because of BSAA’s commitment and care towards its members, Kam went from taking the first steps of her involvement journey to becoming one of BSAA’s current executive members. 

BSAA hosts many different events on campus to advance their mission of promoting Black voices and identities. An event that Kam is especially proud of is the annual Black Town Hall. This is one of BSAA’s top events. At the Black Town Hall, members of the Black community have a platform to bring awareness to pressing social issues, as well as discuss how the community members can help uplift each other. Additionally, BSAA hosts social events such as the annual Homecoming, faculty and staff mixers, ice cream socials, and other events that foster a place for Miami’s Black community to come together and feel connected. General body meetings, professional development and advocacy events, and participation in university education panels allow for even more discussion of what it means to be a Black student at a PWI and how to pave the way for a more inclusive, accepting, and aware campus.

Multicultural organizations like BSAA are an essential component of Miami’s campus culture. They create spaces for students of diverse backgrounds to celebrate their heritage, shared experiences, and accomplishments, and contribute to ensuring that underrepresented students feel welcome and included on campus. As Miami continues to promote DE&I, it is important to uplift BSAA and similar organizations and support them in their mission to eliminate discrimination and promote Black pride, awareness, and consciousness.

If you are interested in learning more about BSAA, check out their Hub page or Instagram @bsaa_miami!