† denotes undergraduate students, ‡ denotes graduate students
Dilsiz, D., She, J., and Phadke, M., 2024, “Beyond Grades: Exploring Alternative Assessment Methods for Deeper Learning,” 43rd Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Oxford, OH, Nov. 21-23 (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
Weaver, M.‡, She, J., Bautista, N., and Li, Y., 2024, “Balancing Act: Navigating Diversity for Equal Contributions in Engineering Design Teams,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC-DTM), Washington, DC, Aug. 25-28. (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
Weaver, M.‡ and She, J., 2024, “Diversity in an Engineering Design Teamwork Context: Definition, Measurement, and Effect on Team Outcomes,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC-DTM), Washington, DC, Aug. 25-28. (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
Reeling, H.‡ and She, J., 2024, “Enhancing Novice Engineers’ Design Experience (DX) through Natural Cognitive Flow Functional Analysis,” Eleventh International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC), Montreal, Canada, Jul. 8-10. (Extended abstract, poster presentation)
Chagdes, J., She, J., and Kinney, J., 2024, “Investigating the nonlinear dynamics of proactive balance enhancement using visual feedback of predicted future balance,” 11th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC2024), TU Delft, the Netherlands, Jul. 22-26 (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
She, J., 2024, “Implementing Specifications Grading in Engineering Design Education: A Pilot Study in Product Design and Development,” Advancing Teacher Scholars Community for Early-Career Faculty Learning Community Interactive Poster Session, Miami University, Oxford, OH, Apr. 12th. (Poster presentation)
She, J., Islam, M.‡, 2023, “Does Scenario Immersiveness Matter in Assessing Pedestrian Trust in Autonomous Vehicles?”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2023) , Boston, MA, Aug. 20-23. (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
Chagdes, J., She, J., Kinney, J., 2023, “A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective on the Benefits of Predicting Postural Sway for Upright Human Balance”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2023) , Boston, MA, Aug. 20-23. (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
Islam, M.‡, Clayton, J.†, She, J., 2022, “Exploring Overtrust, Undertrust, and Possible Mitigation Strategies in Autonomous Vehicle and Pedestrian Interaction”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Columbus, OH, Oct. 30-Nov. 3. (Abstract, poster presentation)
She, J., Belanger, E.†, Bartels C.†, Reeling, H.‡, 2022, “Streamline User Considerations in Functional Analysis”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17. (Extended abstract, oral presentation)
She, J., 2022, “When Meet an Autonomous Car: Cross or Not?” International Conference of Mechanical Design, Changsha, Hunan, China, Aug. 16th. (Oral presentation, Virtual)
She, J., 2022, “When Meet an Autonomous Car: Cross or Not?” 2022 MUCAT Research Symposium – Assistive Technology for Neurological and/or Orthopedic Disabilities, Oxford, OH, Mar. 31st. (Oral presentation)
Bartels C.†, Belanger, E.†, and She, J., 2021, “Challenges and Strategies in Remote Design Collaboration During Pandemic”, Undergraduate Research Forum, Miami University, Apr. 21st. (Abstract, oral presentation)
Islam M.‡ and She, J., 2021, “Effect of Design Factors and Pedestrian Segments in Autonomous Vehicle and Pedestrian Interaction”, Graduate Research Forum, Miami University, Nov. 5th. (Abstract, oral presentation)
Neuhoff, J.† and She, J., 2020, “Improving Pedestrian Trust in Autonomous Vehicles: Implications for AV interface Design from an Online Study,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Virtual Conference, Nov. 16-19. (Abstract, poster presentation)
Before 2019
She, J. and MacDonald, E., 2014, “Using Priming to Design Features and Influence Consumer Decisions,” Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: The Psychology of Design, Ann Arbor, MI, May 29. (Abstract, poster presentation)
She, J. and MacDonald, E., 2013, “Sustainable Design Cues Affect Customer Preference Constructions,” Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, Jun. 24. (Abstract, poster presentation)
She, J. and MacDonald, E., 2011, “Creation of Design Methods that Facilitate Customer Decision-Making on Sustainable Products,” INFORMS, Charlotte, NC, Nov. 13-17. (Abstract, oral presentation)