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Online Conference, 15-17 March 2024

Code of Behavior

The Code of Behavior is to be adhered to at all times: chat, social hours, panels and roundtables.

Our Code of Behavior is aimed at creating a safe, considerate culture within this academic conference that values each member as equal and each voice as important. 

We are aware, however, that though we are all metalheads and want to think we are equal, hidden power dynamics exist in this conference. Some people here are established professors, others in bands, for others this is their first academic endeavor, and the structural inequalities in culture (of race, gender, sexuality and disability) are also in play amongst us. 

We ask that you be aware of your own power and privilege in discussions, think about the space you are taking up and try to give extra space to those whose voices are traditionally marginalized in academic spaces. 

Aim to be kind and generous in discussions, sharing knowledge and resources, and helping build a collaborative environment.

Please DO NOT share the Zoom link with anyone  – this will ensure a safer environment for all.

We accept no racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia.  

  • These subjects will come up in discussions and we have many people here for whom English is a second language, therefore we may use the wrong words by accident – it is the job of every participant to think carefully about how they phrase their comments and to take correction with grace (i.e. apologize if injury is caused).
  • Please correct one another assuming ignorance rather than malice in the first instance.
  • If injury is caused deliberately, we the hosts reserve the right to ask participants to leave.

We accept no bullying or bullish behavior at this conference. 

  • Keep discussions civil, and where they are personal give more space to listening than critique.
  • Remember that what seems a simple theoretical question for one person may have much higher stakes for another (see above on structural inequalities) and consider this in the way you phrase questions and debate.

We accept no harassment of any kind, particularly sexual harassment.

  • Please report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable to Jeremy, Charlotte, Shamma or the moderators for your room. No matter how small. We stand with victims of abuse and aim to create a space where their safety is a priority. 
  • We ask you to watch out for one another. Victims often worry about reporting or feel they are making a fuss, so if you see something being aimed at another participant that worries you please report it and we will check in on them. Reporting will be kept confidential.

What will happen if I report something?

If you feel any of these boundaries have been crossed (in formal time or social hours) please report it to either the conference organizers or the moderator in the break out room or chat rather than having a fight. 

They will then talk to you, and separately approach the person who has violated the code, and decide on a way forward keeping the safety of the vulnerable as a priority.

In essence ‘Don’t be that guy at the gig’.  You know the one. Don’t be that guy.