Research Interests & Miami University Software Technology and Analysis Group <MUSTANG>
Topics of Interest:
Software engineering, software evolution and maintenance
Program understanding/comprehension, program analysis
Cognitive models of the software development process
Reverse engineering
Software visualization to support maintenance and evolution
Program Slicing
Research Statement:
The research program focuses on the construction of methods and tools for lightweight software analysis to assist in the process of software evolution and maintenance of large-scale software systems.
Newman, Christian D., Tessandra Sage, Michael L. Collard, Hakam W. Alomari, and Jonathan I. Maletic. “srcslice: A tool for efficient static forward slicing.” In 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C), pp. 621-624. IEEE, 2016.
Alomari, Hakam W., Rachel A. Jennings, Paulo Virote De Souza, Matthew Stephan, and Gerald C. Gannod. “vizSlice: Visualizing large scale software slices.” In 2016 IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), pp. 101-105. IEEE, 2016.
Alomari, Hakam W., and Amer F. Al-Badarneh. “A topological-based spatial data clustering.” In Optical Pattern Recognition XXVII, vol. 9845, p. 98450S. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.