Staying Connected on Handshake and LinkedIn

By: Grace Hoffmann


Handshake and LinkedIn are amazing career networks for all professionals. Handshake allows students to get connected with employers on an easy-to-use platform. It also lets students learn more about Career Fair and what companies will be attending. LinkedIn helps create a professional network and to stay connected with companies and current trends within industries.

Even if you have an internship or a full-time job, it is extremely important to keep these two platforms up-to-date and active.


Update Jobs, Activities, Extracurriculars  

On both Handshake and LinkedIn, it is vital to continue to update your work experience and other experiences as you begin new jobs or join new organizations. This will allow recruiters and co workers to see your updated info and who you are currently working for. While you update these platforms, always remember to keep an up-to-date edition of your resume on hand. You never know when someone may ask for your resume!


Follow Hashtags, Read Latest Posts, and Trends

On LinkedIn, stay updated with the latest news in every industry! Be informed on what is going on within certain industries, among different groups of people and locations, and overall key words. LinkedIn is also a great way to stay connected and updated on what is happening at the company you are working for! Reading and sharing company articles will show your support and investment!


Be an Active Alumni

Connect! If students from your University reach out to you, take the time to talk with them and answer their questions about industry, company, or position. There is great camaraderie among alumni and current students! Be an active part of someone’s job and career exploration – you’ll teach them a lot and they may even teach you something too.

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