Everything You Need to Know About Having a Career Guide

By: Grace Hoffmann


As we go through college, and continue on into the professional work world, we are faced with many obstacles and challenges! Have you ever had questions that you know could be easily answered, but you’re just not quite sure who to ask? Are you interested in a certain sector of business but not positive you would be good working in it? In high school it was easy; a counselor answered questions or an older brother or sister. But now, who is your mentor? Who is helping guide you through life as you navigate your way into a career or full-time position? It’s time to find yourself a career guide!


What is a Career Guide?

Also known as a career mentor, a career guide is someone who helps you navigate your interests and your career. According to the BalanceCareers, Mentoring consists of a long-term relationship focused on supporting the growth and development of the mentee. The mentor becomes a source of wisdom, teaching, and support, but not someone who observes and advises on specific actions or behavioral changes in daily work.” (The BalanceCareers).


A mentor or career guide is a great listener and advice giver! They want to know more about you and help you succeed in and out of the business world. Career guides will suggest activities you should get involved with or additional certifications you may want to get. Through the knowledge in their own field and knowing many peers in others, career guides will be able to help answer your questions or discuss with you opportunities and options.


Where can you find one?

When you’re still in college, a career guide can be a professor you really connected with or a faculty member who has had experiences you’re interested in. Career guides could also be friends of your parents or adults who have worked jobs or had experiences that you are interested in! Career guides do not have to be formal. They just need to be people that are open to discussing their experiences with you and giving you good advice. Once you enter the workplace, it will be advantageous for you to find a career guide or mentor in your workplace too. They’ll help you learn more about the workplace, culture, ways to succeed, and many other important aspects of the job!


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