How to Make Meaningful Connections with Alumni

As an FSB student, professors and visiting employers have probably stressed to you the importance of using LinkedIn. This site can be a great way to make and keep connections with colleagues and mentors you’ve met in the past. One great way LinkedIn can help you is by giving you a way to talk with and learn from Miami Alumni who can give you insights into careers similar to ones you are pursuing. Connecting with fellow students on linkedin is great, but connecting with alumni and those with real industry experience could help you get the most out of your linkedin account.


Connecting with Miami Alumni can be great for many different reasons. Alumni have been through the recruiting process, and probably know about their own companies hiring practice. This is a great way to learn about companies you might want to work for someday, and also to get your name out there. You can also ask about things like the work-life balance, company culture, or what it’s like working in a particular city. The alumni tool can help you track peoples career trajectories and figure out how they got there.


Finding Alumni on LinkedIn might seem like a difficult task, but using the Alumni Tool can make it extremely easy to do. The alumni took will connect you to any Miami University graduates who have an account on linkedin. You can filter results through location, job title, keywords, and company names. It will also give you current news regarding notable alumni and how they are impacting the business world and community as a whole.


Once connected with an alumni you are interested in learning from, send them a message! Include your name and why you are connecting with them, and ask if they would have a couple minutes for a phone call or a video chat. Miami alumni are typically extremely willing to help current students, and if you take the time to message one of them they are likely to be excited to respond and help you!


For more tips on how to use the alumni tool, visit


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