No J-term Plans? Here’s What You Should Do

By: Grace Hoffmann


With only one week left until Thanksgiving break, I can’t help but to think about how quickly we are approaching J-Term! Fall semester exam week ends on December 15th and the first day of classes for spring semester is January 28th — How do you plan on spending those 6 weeks?! Don’t spend the entire break on the couch —  make your J-Term count! There are so many awesome opportunities through Miami and even more you can set up and do on your own. J-term is a great time to better yourself professionally and experience new things. Below are some ideas for J-term:



  • Study Abroad


Miami offers many J-term study abroad ventures. Check them out on the website. If the application has closed, keep them in mind for next year; they may have different, more exciting ones too!



  • Cincinnati Immersion Week


The Cincinnati Immersion Week this year is from January 14-18th. It connects Miami students with Cincinnati based companies and employers. These company visits give students the ability to learn more about different industries and different companies. The week includes meeting with executives, associates, and recent graduates of Fortune 500 companies.  Check out the website for more information! The deadline for the application is December 1st.



  • Take a Class


J-Term is a great time to get ahead of your studies and stay on campus and take classes. Or, take classes online and lessen your course load for spring semester.


  • Informational Interviews


Are you interested in working for a certain company? Send an email or connect with your network to do a day of shadowing! Through an informational interview you will be able to learn more about the company, position, career outlook, and the person you are interviewing.


  • Update your resume, LinkedIn, and Handshake


With free time on your hands, take time to update your resume. Add in semester or internship experience. Create multiple resumes if you have a desire to apply to jobs that differ from one another. Fully complete your profile on LinkedIn and Handshake and showcase all of your classes, work experience, and skills!


  • Work


J-Term is a great time to make money at your job at home. Reach out to your past employer and see if they need help over your break!

There are many, many more items could be added to the list. Don’t be bored over J-term!

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