Gamification and Gaming

Enhancing the Learning Experience

Gamification and gaming can significantly enhance the learning experience in the classroom. They make learning fun and engaging. 4 Ways to Gamify your Classroom Experience suggested incorporating elements like leaderboards, quest/task, mission QR codes, and classic or digital games. This approach motivates students to participate actively. Games provide instant feedback, helping learners understand and correct mistakes in real-time. “Assessment in a game-based learning environment can be both formative and summative, providing ongoing feedback to students while also evaluating their overall understanding.” (Matera, 2024, p. 65). They also encourage problem-solving and critical thinking through interactive challenges – sometimes it also includes collaboration depending on the game that is chosen. These collaborative games promote teamwork and communication skills. Gamified learning platforms can track progress, allowing for personalized learning paths. It supports diverse learning styles by offering multiple ways to interact with content. By making learning enjoyable and interactive, gamification transforms education into a dynamic and immersive experience. Gamification also allows student choice – this is crucial for students to feel heard. “By integrating elements of choice, challenge, and competition, gamified learning experiences can cater to diverse student interests and learning styles.” (Matera, 2024, p. 79).

TCE Threshold Concepts to Gamification/Gaming

  • Both teachers and students have empowerment/agency: Gamification enhances empowerment by giving teachers and students roles that allow them to shape the learning process. Students gain agency through choices and immediate feedback, fostering responsibility and self-efficacy. Equitable design ensures all students can participate meaningfully, with diverse options and support. This inclusive approach values every student’s contribution, promoting a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • The curriculum is more than standards, textbooks, and courses: Gamification enhances the curriculum by providing interactive and experiential learning opportunities. It engages students in relevant, real-world problems, promoting critical thinking and collaboration. This inclusive approach ensures all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

Games I Can Use for My Classroom/Learning Space

Socrative Space Race: Socrative Space Race was used in class since I already had a membership through my work. The students loved using it as a review tool since they could watch my Smart Board keep scores and show who led the race. This was great from a teacher’s perspective when inserting questions. The students all had positive reactions. They liked how it was nothing they had done before in the classroom. Below is an image of what it looks like from my Smart Board.

Check out this cool Pinterest link!


  1. I love the Socrative Space Race game you shared! It reminds me of this week’s reading about how having a visual way to see progress is so helpful to students and encourages them to continue growing. Are you thinking of including this game in your CBCI unit plan or trying out another?

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