Tag: MAcc

A group of college students pose with their professor inside an open office setting.

2024 Shade Family CBL Emerging Leaders Consulting Experience in Partnership with EY

The 6th Annual two-week experiential, immersive experience, developed and led by EY Professor Brian Ballou, was once again held in Chicago with students of all majors—including accounting—living the life of consultants working for one firm.

BriAuna Keys '20 presents the use and risks of ChatGPT

BriAuna Keys ’20 Discusses AI Benefits and Risks with Accountancy Students

Students in ACC 495 (Accounting Analysis) welcomed MAcc graduate BriAuna Keys ’20, a Digital Assurance & Transparency senior associate at PwC, along with PwC campus liaison Christine Frederick, who presented the benefits and risks of using generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT) for accounting tasks.

Painting Bowls to End Hunger in the Oxford Community

MAcc students gathered at You’re Fired! to paint bowls for the Oxford Empty Bowls fundraiser, which is scheduled for November 12, 2022, at the Oxford Community Arts Center.