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William Brink published Special Tax Computation Methods, Tax Credits, and Payment of Tax (Prentice Hall). His journal article publications include Academic Fraud and Remote Evaluation of Accounting Students: An Application of the Fraud Triangle in the Journal of Business Ethics (with James Bierstaker, Villanova University; Sameera Khatoon, University of Saskatchewan; Linda Thorne, York University) and Pre-Populated Tax Returns: Individual Taxpayer Adoption and the Effect on Compliance in Behavioral Research in Accounting (with Jason M. Schwebke, Texas Tech University; Victoria J. Hansen, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Charles F. Kelliher, University of Central Florida).
Po-Chang Chen’s paper, “Do PCAOB Inspections Change the Effect of Litigation Risk on Audit Quality?” has been accepted by The International Journal of Accounting (with Charles Moul and Andrew Reffett, Farmer School of Business).
Anne Farrell published a teaching case, “Is the Sky the Limit for Menteen Studios?” (coauthored with Margaret Shackell, Ithaca College, and Monte Swain, Brigham Young University), available at Accounting Perspectives . The case focuses on relevant costing in an intriguing industry setting, film production and distribution.
Anne Farrell and Michelle Frank’s paper, It’s Complicated: How a Subordinate’s Gender Influences Supervisors’ Use of Past Performance Information When Appraising Potential was added to the CalCPA Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program due to its timeliness and relevance to the profession. CalCPA manages CPE for a number of states’ professional accounting societies.
Mark Ross and James Zhang published ChatGPT is Ready for the Profession—But is the Profession Ready for ChatGPT? in Accounting Horizons .
James Zhang also published The impact of online tax community advice on individual taxpayer decision making in Advances in Accounting (with Gregory Stone, Old Dominion University, and Stephanie Walton, Louisiana State University) and How graphical vividness and interactivity in non-financial presentations influence nonprofessional investors at the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (with Uday Murthy, University of South Florida).
William Moser published the article, Do United States Tax Court Judge Attributes Influence the Resolution of Corporate Tax Disputes? (coauthored with Bradley P. Lindsey, Utah State University, and Sophie McDonnel ’21, now at Deloitte).