Category: Student News

Group of Accountancy students hold up a Miami flag at Wall Street.

Accountancy Students Spend Winter Term in New York and Washington DC

Students in ACC 490D, Accounting and Tax Policy, had the opportunity to visit several important venues in New York and Washington DC as a part of a Winter Term study away class led by Professor Tim Eaton.

A photo shows a team of students in discussion around a table

First Year Accountancy Majors Design Solutions in FC Cincinnati Case

Each year, the First Year Integrated Core engages incoming Farmer School of Business students in a skills-based curriculum that focuses on developing key workplace skills.

Photo of students walking through the lobby at Farmer School of Business

An Interview with a CFO

Each year, students in Professor Annie Farrell’s class ACC 635, Financial Leadership in Organizations, get the opportunity to interview a chief financial officer and learn about what it takes to be a CFO.

Group photo of Audit Innovation Team

Miami Team Enters Deloitte Audit Innovation Case Competition

Miami’s team submitted their final project on November 19 to the Deloitte Audit Innovation Case Competition.

Photo of PwC Competition Winning Team

FSB Majors Solve Business Problems in PwC Challenge Case Competition

The PwC Challenge Case Competition was held on November 16, 2022, at the Farmer School of Business.

Daunielle Rasmussen, Director of Education and Community Engagement at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, leads an improv session focusing on creative leadership

Improv Session for Creative Leadership

MAcc students became improv actors in a two-day workshop led by Daunielle Rasmussen of Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park.

Photo of a full Auditorium-style classroom filled with female students

Women in Business Hosts Panel on “Using an Accounting Education to Pursue Your Passions”

On October 5, the Department of Accountancy partnered with Women in Business (WIB) to develop and deliver a great evening panel discussion event to highlight the theme of “Using an Accounting Education to Pursue Your Passions!” The event was very well attended, with 88 WIB participants. Three Miami accounting alumnae served as panelists: Cassidy Hicks…
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Bill Moser Speaking in Front of Class

Trial Attorney Joins Accountancy Classes to Recreate Moritz v. Commissioner

Students in ACC 445, Corporate Partnership and Taxation, were treated to a unique experience in class late October. Professor Bill Moser invited Karen Meyers, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Finance and a professional trial attorney, to recreate arguments in “one of the most important cases of the second half of the 20th century…

Game Day in Financial Leadership Class

Students in Anne Farrell’s ACC 635 class, Financial Leadership in Organizations, enjoyed a game of Friday Night at the ER, while learning principles of systems thinking, management, and leadership.

Painting Bowls to End Hunger in the Oxford Community

MAcc students gathered at You’re Fired! to paint bowls for the Oxford Empty Bowls fundraiser, which is scheduled for November 12, 2022, at the Oxford Community Arts Center.