Category: Department of Accountancy Blog

Photo of students at a table conversing with a businessman.

Miami Accountancy Students Participate in U.S. Bank Field Trip to Cincinnati’s Cybersecurity Fusion Center and Cash Vault

On Friday, February 17, accountancy senior Duncan Fox and MAcc student Abby Larson joined EY Professor Brian Ballou and Deloitte Professor Dan Heitger on a field trip to U.S. Bank’s Downtown Cincinnati Cybersecurity Fusion Center and Cash Vau

Head shot of Jonathan Pyzoha

Jon Pyzoha Named Vice/Incoming Chair of AAA Auditing Section Standards Committee

Congratulations to Jon Pyzoha, who has been named the incoming chair (and current vice chair) of the American Accounting Association’s auditing section standards committee. Professor Pyzoha and the committee recently wrote a comment letter to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), which oversees audits of public companies, for the PCAOB’s newly proposed standard, A Firm’s System…
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Group of Accountancy students hold up a Miami flag at Wall Street.

Accountancy Students Spend Winter Term in New York and Washington DC

Students in ACC 490D, Accounting and Tax Policy, had the opportunity to visit several important venues in New York and Washington DC as a part of a Winter Term study away class led by Professor Tim Eaton.

Erich Marinich shows off his completion medal with the Disney castle in the background

Eric Marinich Completes Disney Marathon

Congratulations to Accountancy Professor Eric Marinich, who completed the 30th Annual Disney Marathon held January 8 in Orlando, Florida! The marathon’s “Celebrated Charity” is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Marinich ran as part of the LLS’s Team in Training, with the goal of raising funds to help find cures for blood cancer and ensure…
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Photo of Farmer School of Business Building Name

Annie Farrell Named Editor of CAR Journal

The Department of Accountancy is pleased to share the appointment of Interim Chair Annie Farrell as an Editor at Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR). CAR is noted for its #6 ranking on the 2021 Financial Times Top 50 Journals list and is widely considered one of the top five scholarly journals that publish research across all accountancy sub-disciplines and…
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Photo of the Management Accounting Curriculum Working Group

Focus on Management Accounting Curriculum

Department of Accountancy Interim Chair Annie Farrell spent the first week of the year focusing on curriculum development with colleagues at the AAA Management Accounting Section (MAS) Conference in Atlanta. Together with Shane Dikoli from the University of Virginia, she spoke about “Future-Proofing Management Accounting Curricula” at the 2023 Research Conference, IMA Doctoral Colloquium, and…
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A photo shows a team of students in discussion around a table

First Year Accountancy Majors Design Solutions in FC Cincinnati Case

Each year, the First Year Integrated Core engages incoming Farmer School of Business students in a skills-based curriculum that focuses on developing key workplace skills.

Photo of students walking through the lobby at Farmer School of Business

An Interview with a CFO

Each year, students in Professor Annie Farrell’s class ACC 635, Financial Leadership in Organizations, get the opportunity to interview a chief financial officer and learn about what it takes to be a CFO.

Group photo of the accountancy advisory group meeting attendees

AAG Meets to Brainstorm Accountancy Pipeline

The Accountancy Advisory Group (AAG) met with faculty on Friday, November 18.

Photo of PwC Competition Winning Team

FSB Majors Solve Business Problems in PwC Challenge Case Competition

The PwC Challenge Case Competition was held on November 16, 2022, at the Farmer School of Business.