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Kyle Templeman ’14 (MAcc ’15) was recognized as the Young Philanthropist of the Year, and the Spirit of Philanthropy Award was given to Tim Pistell ’69 and his wife Lynn ’70 (math and elementary education). The awards ceremony was held on February 13, 2025, at the Shriver Center John Dolibois Room. The Young Philanthropist of…
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On January 8, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed HB 238, which allows for two pathways to a CPA credential.
Over the Winter Term, students in Accounting 490D/590D, Accounting and Tax Policy, had the opportunity to visit New York City and Washington DC, led by Professor Tim Eaton. There were 20 students on the trip, ranging from sophomores to graduate students.
More than 500 students in ACC 221 (Introduction to Financial Accounting), taught by Katie Tew, were given the opportunity to earn extra credit and have one-on-one conversations with accounting faculty to discover how accountancy plays a role in different industries. ACC 221 is part of the business core curriculum required for all business majors at…
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Accountancy senior Juliana Finley was selected by the accountancy department’s scholarship committee, led by Professor Jan Eighme, to be the recipient of the Craig Schmidtgesling Excellence in Tax Scholarship from the Tax Executive Institute (TEI). This scholarship honors a long-time member of the tax community and the TEI and is awarded to students who have demonstrated…
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(L-R) EY Professional Development Advisor Amanda Pyzoha with panelists Isabella Hughes, Gina Cardinale, and Nathan Schuster Accountancy students Gina Cardinale and Isabella Hughes, along with recent graduate Nathan Schuster ’24, gave insights into their college lives as accounting majors at a panel discussion during the Ohio Society of CPAs (OSCPA) Accounting Career Day. The event,…
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Left to right: Megan Staley (Kaiser Consulting), Mike Hemsath (P&G), Maureen Westrick (Nationwide), Erik Rosenfeld (P&G), Jenny Harves (Western & Southern), Beth Carlton (Progressive Insurance), Ying Lee (Grant Thornton), [back] Chris Linck (Forvis Mazurs), Paul Gohr (Mobile Infrastructure), Paige Haviland (NABA Miami Chapter), Bob Guido (PwC), Annie Farrell (Miami University), [front] Chrissy Walters (American Greetings),…
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Fifty-six Master of Accountancy (MAcc) students hit the first week of school running with an engaging two-part orientation program held Monday and Wednesday. Faculty members discussed course expectations, and guest speakers led activities designed to help students understand how to leverage their strengths and weaknesses and successfully work on collaborative projects. “While the MAcc program…
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A big THANK YOU to our Accountancy alumni who joined us for #MoveInMiami! We received a total of $10,918 from 50 donors…and counting! We appreciate you, and would love to see you on campus any time. We are lucky to have alumni who contribute their time and talent to encourage and support the next generation…
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Join us in welcoming the class of 2028! Show your support for Department of Accountancy students, faculty, staff, and programs with any size contribution. Your contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to the generous support of the Farmer Family Foundation. Give to the Accountancy Department Support Fund!