Brian Ballou
Taught ACC 655, Executive Leadership and Control; ACC 653, Graduate Assurance; ACC 611, Accounting for Managers; ACC 647, Business Risk Management. Published Crisis Events and Management: A Bloomberg Tax Accounting Policy & Practice Portfolio (Available on Bloomberg’s Commercial Research Platform); “Stakeholder Perceptions of Data and Analytics-Based Auditing Techniques” in Accounting Horizons (with Jon Grenier and Andrew Reffett). Attended University of Kansas Audit Symposium. Named FSB Faculty MBA Director, 2021 – Present.
William Brink
Taught ACC 321, Intermediate Financial Accounting; ACC 343, Federal Taxation; co-instructed ACC 611, Accounting for Business Managers. Published “The Impact of Human Rights Accounting and Assurance on Nonprofessional Investors” (with Karen De Meyst and Tim Eaton) in Sustainability and “The Effects of Minimum-Wage Increases on Wage Offers, Wage Premiums and Employee Effort Under Incomplete Contracts” in Accounting, Organizations and Society (with Jason Kuang and Michael Majerczyk).
Qing Burke
Taught ACC 422, Financial Accounting Research; ACC 468/568, Nonprofit and Governmental Accounting. Published “Accounting for Blood Donation: An Instructional Case” (with M. Gujarathi) in Issues in Accounting Education. Presented multiple papers at the American Accounting Association’s Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting.
Po-Chang Chen
Taught ACC 321, Intermediate Financial Accounting and ACC 628, Advanced Issues in Financial Accounting and Reporting. Served as the lead faculty advisor to the PwC Challenge Case Competition and as a guest editor for a special issue of Sustainability. Served on American Accounting Association (AAA)’s Doctoral Consortium Committee. Attended the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) Conference and the PwC Accounting and Tax Symposium.
Anne Farrell
Taught ACC 333, Managerial Accounting, and ACC 635, Financial Leadership in Organizations. Published “It’s Complicated: How a Subordinate’s Gender Influences Supervisors’ Use of Past Performance Information When Appraising Potential” (with Michele Frank, 2022) in the Journal of Management Accounting Research. Presented keynote speech, “From Neuroscience to Accounting: How an Odyssey May Fit for You,” at the Conference on Empirical Research in Management Accounting and Control (ERMAC) in Vienna, Austria. Presented the research paper“The Effect of Forecast Uncertainty and Time Pressure on Motives to Create Budget Slack” at the East Coast Behavioural Accounting Workshop. Received the American Accounting Association Management Accounting Section Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award for “Scoundrels or Stars? Theory and Evidence on the Quality of Workers in Online Labor Markets” (with Jonathan Grenier and Justin Leiby, 2017) in The Accounting Review; the American Accounting Association Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting Outstanding Reviewer Award; and the Miami University Associated Student Government Outstanding Professor Award. Served as associate editor for Management Accounting Research and ad hoc editor for Contemporary Accounting Research. Co-chair of the American Accounting Association Publications Processes Task Force, vice president-elect of Finance, and Board Member for the American Accounting Association; member of the Michigan State University Broad College of Business Department of Accounting and Information Systems External Advisory Board. Attended the Women in Business Education (WiBE) Conference, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Emerging Management Accounting Scholars Symposium, the American Accounting Association Management Accounting Section Conference, and the Contemporary Accounting Research Conference.
Jonathan Grenier
Taught ACC 333, Managerial Accounting, and ACC 650, Fraud Examination. Published articles in Accounting Organizations and Society and Current Issues in Auditing. Presented research at the University of Illinois, University of South Carolina, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the AAA Auditing Midyear Meeting. Attended PCAOB Conference on Auditing and Capital Markets.
Jonathan Pyzoha
Taught ACC 553, Financial Statement Auditing; ACC 333, Managerial Accounting; and ACC 480/580, Accounting and Business Ethics. Published “Evaluating the Impact of the Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program on Academic Accounting in the U.S.” in Issues in Accounting Education (with T. Fogarty). Awarded the 2022 Miami University Associated Student Government Outstanding Professor Award.
Matthew Wieland
Taught ACC 321, Intermediate Financial Accounting. Participated in the summer faculty exchange program in Yonsei, Korea.
James Zhang
Taught ACC 361, Modeling Business Processes in Accounting Information Systems. Published “Building a Bot” in Strategic Finance (with Tim Eaton and Abby Larson). Presented a workshop at the University of Kentucky. Attended the 2022 EY Colloquium in Boston, MA. Awarded the Lybrand Award, Certificates of Merit, Institute of Management Accountants 2022.