L-R: Bob Guido, Maureen Westrick, Jennifer Burgas, Paul Gohr, Robert Craycraft, Ying Lee, Robert Woolman, Eric Lakner, Anne Zavarella, Kyle Bickhart, Jay Moeller, Donna Deye, Jenny Harves, Chrissy Walters, Lauren Roberts, Beth Carlton, Annie Farrell
The Accountancy Advisory Group held its semiannual meeting on April 20 and 21 in Oxford, Ohio. The meeting opened with updates from Farmer School of Business leadership, including Dean Denny Darroch, Associate Dean Drew Reffett, and Associate VP for Development and External Relations Kirk Bogard. Associate Dean Melissa Thomasson provided updates on the FSB and accountancy student body, followed by an update on the department’s marketing and social media efforts, provided by External Engagement Committee Chair Jon Pyzoha.
AAG members provided input during three brainstorming sessions:
- Student Recruitment Committee Chair Dan Heitger led a session on messaging as a department.
- Educational Experience Committee Chair Michele Frank led a session on updating the curriculum after a review of our current course offerings.
- The group discussed accountancy pipeline challenges and local as well as national efforts.
Without the wisdom and support of these dedicated alumni, the Department of Accountancy could not advance its mission to provide the educational experience accountancy students need to become the visionary, high-integrity leaders of tomorrow. Thanks to all the AAG members for their dedication!