Catching Up with Marc Rubin

A photo of Marc Rubin with his portrait in the background
Marc Rubin in front of his portrait, unveiled in February 2023 at the Farmer School of Business Library

Where in the world is Marc Rubin? Accountancy alumni may be wondering what the beloved accountancy professor, department chair, and former dean of the Farmer School of Business has been up to since his retirement in 2020.

These days, you might be lucky enough to catch Professor Rubin riding his bike in the Chicago, Illinois, area. He has dedicated much of his time to his local community—as a mentor in the iMentor program of Chicago Public Schools, consultant to Highland Park High School entrepreneurship students, and serving on the advisory board of the Chicago Chapter of the Dragonfly Foundation, which supports families dealing with pediatric cancer. These are but a sampling of what’s keeping him busy around the community.

Whenever Rubin sees a current student, alumni, or a parent of a Miamian around town displaying their Miami spirit, he usually engages them in an enthusiastic conversation about Miami. The first question is usually, “What dorm did you live in?” Recently, he and his wife Julie attended a reception for incoming Miami students and their families at the Ravinia Music venue. “It was great to see and meet many future Miamians and their families,” he said.

On the professional side, Rubin remains a champion of the accounting profession. He chaired the AAA committee that recently completed a report on how the organization can approach diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging issues within its membership—one of four AAA committees he’s active in. He might often be found at AAA events—he recently caught up with Accountancy Professors Anne Farrell, Po-Chang Chen, and Tim Eaton at the AAA Annual Meeting in Washington DC. Rubin is also serving as the chair of the Accounting Accreditation Policy Committee of the AACSB, the foremost accreditation body for business schools worldwide.

The best part of his retirement, Rubin says, is spending lots of time with his family–his kids and grandkids in Chicago and Washington, DC. He has also been working on his photography and enjoying traveling the world over—so far, he and his wife have visited Iceland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Aruba, California, and New Mexico. Next up: Patagonia.

Photo of Marc with his wife, children and grandkids