AVID Customer Matching Process

CLIENT Scripps Gerontology Center, ScrippsAVID, Krysta Peterson, Aaron Glavin, Dennis Cheatham, Elizabeth “Like” Locan
VISION Our primary client for this project was ScrippsAVID, an online version of Opening Minds through Art (OMA). OMA is a research-backed intergenerational art program to help people with dementia by pairing them up with volunteers to be creative together. AVID stands for Arts-based, Virtual, Intergenerational, and Dementia-friendly. This program was a result of the pandemic, allowing the team at Scripps to bring the benefits of OMA to more people from the comforts of their homes. The goal is to match older participants with younger ones who have matching time availability. The problem our team was tasked with solving was automating their matching process which previously was done manually and had become unmanageable. Participants are matched by generation differences, time availability, group affiliation and language spoken. The goal was to make a software to generate the largest number of correct matches possible based on those parameters.
MISSION Our solution was to develop a user-friendly CSV reader software tailored specifically for Krysta Peterson, simplifying her participant matching process that was previously managed manually. By providing a straightforward and intuitive tool, we aim to alleviate Krysta’s technological challenges and enhance her efficiency in pairing participants for ScrippsAVID. Additionally low maintenance effort was a must as there will be no one who will be able to make edits day-to-day. Through this initiative, we strive to empower Krysta with a reliable solution that optimizes accuracy and streamlines the matching process, ultimately supporting the expansion and success of the ScrippsAVID program.
TEAM Alex Myron, Morghan Jones, Rylee Domonkos

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