About Us

This site provides the virtual program for upcoming as well as past events. This website is a virtual program that allows you to preview capstone projects, including brief descriptions and video presentations. You can browse projects by client and project type, session, or use the search icon in the site’s navigation menu to find projects by specific students, title, and client.

CSE senior design presentations are held at the conclusion of CSE449. The project presentations are a culmination of a 2-semester team project. Projects ending in the fall semester participate in the CSE Sr. Design Expo (CSE Expo), which includes development of a project video and participation in an online Q&A session with clients, faculty, and other guests. Projects ending in the spring semester, participate in both the CSE Expo as well as the in person CEC Expo. As you will see in the project descriptions, the projects address problems and solutions to satisfy the client’s vision and other social needs.

The Computer Science and Software Engineering department also conducts its own final presentations. The inaugural virtual CSE Expo was held in May, 2020 in accordance with the pandemic safety measures and has continued for the fall and spring semesters since.

The College of Engineering and Computing at Miami University Ohio encourages new students and current students to embrace a desire to engage in research. Learn more →

The department of Computer Science and Software Engineering offers a variety of majors, minors and thematic sequences.

Learn more →

Have questions about the CSE capstone or event? Email stahrlc@miamioh.edu

Are you interested in sponsoring a project? Learn more →

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