Evidenced Based Mapping Tool

CLIENT Dr. Philippe Giabbanelli
VISION The purpose of this project is to provide a way to map a certain policy decision to a particular outcome. More specifically, the evidence based mapping web application is meant to create an interactive map that shows the relationship between a given policy decision (intervention) to a given outcome (observation) from the user specified dataset.
MISSION Our mission is to provide a web-application that allows a user to upload their dataset, specify intervention/observation nodes used in building the casual map, and specify the modeling-paradigm/algorithm used to create the map (i.e. shortest-path, minimal-path algorithms). Additionally, the user should be able to view their uploaded dataset on the webpage and have access to resources that allow them to understand how the application works and what modeling paradigm would be best for their specific case. In short, the purpose of this application is to provide users a better environment for visualizing and interacting with their specific dataset.
TEAM Matthew Xu
Matthew Coe
SITE evidence-based-mapping.herokuapp.com/
(note that the page might take a couple of seconds to load)

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