
McKenna Burns

PhD Student, Miami University

Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation Laboratory
Area of study: Endangered Species, Genetics, and Stress Physiology

Tereza Jezkova


Global Change Biology Laboratory
Area of study: Species’ Responses to Environmental Change

Alfredo Ascanio

PhD Student, Miami University

Global Change Biology Laboratory
Area of study: Species’ Responses to Environmental Change, and Environmental Niches

Rachel Pilla

PhD Candidate, Miami University

Global Limnology Lab
Area of study: Lake Ecology and Climate Change

Steven Hein

PhD Candidate, Miami University

Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation Laboratory
Area of Study: Phylogenetics, Population Genetics, and Biogeography

Dr. Hayley Lanier

Faculty, University of Oklahoma
Assistant Curator of Mammals and Assistant Professor of Biology
Area of study: Mammal Biodiversity and Responses to Environmental Change

Dr. Katie Marske

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma
Area of study: Biogeography and Phylogeography (especially in beetles!)

Alva Strand

PhD Student, University of Oklahoma
Area of Study: Ecology of Avian Migration; Effects of Climate Change on Avian Migration

Michael Malahy

Informatics Specialist
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Areas of study: Plant Morphology and Phylogenetics, Linked Open Data

Gwendolyn Lloyd

PhD Student, Miami University

Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Laboratory
Areas of Study: Community and landscape ecology with a focus on insects as bioindicators.

Diya Yang

Master’s Student, Miami University

Area of study: Bioinformatics, Epigenetics, and Statistics.