Conservation Conversations: Public and Student Programs

Monday, March 13: Meet the Conservator!  

Conservator Michael Ruzga speaking with the public about the conservation process during his visit to the museum in 2015.

The public is invited to converse with Cincinnati conservator Michael Ruzga at the Miami University Art Museum as he works on a 16th century Italian oil painting. Formerly the Chief Conservator at the Taft Museum of Art, Ruzga has treated numerous paintings over the past twenty years, including works by Rembrandt, Renoir, Bouguereau and others.

The general public will get a chance to speak with Ruzga about the conservation process during “Conservation Conversation.” Co-sponsored by the Art Museum Docent Program, this event will be held on Monday March 13 at 10 am in the Art Museum auditorium. Ruzga will present the process of conservation, his methods, and conduct a treatment demonstration.

Francesco Bissolo (Italian). Madonna and Child. 16th century. Gift of Gregory M. and Jeffrey B. Bishop. Acc. No. 2014.B.E.L.15

Also on March 13 from Noon-1:30 pm, a student and faculty program, “Conservation at Work,” will offer not only a chance to learn about conservation careers, but also lunch. Ruzga will continue to work on the oil painting (left) during this event and be available to answer questions from the audience. This program is co-sponsored by the Miami University Office of Career Services.

Programs co-sponsored by the Miami University Art Museum Docent Program and the Office of Career Services.