ARTificial Intelligence – Meet the Student Artists

Our first featured artist is Caitlin Currran, a junior studying communication design, art and architecture history, studio art, and French. She’s showcasing her piece “Made By Hand” in our Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence. A sculpture of hands attached to a computer circuit board, her piece aims to materialize the unique relationship between art made by an individual and the technology that imitates it. In her words, it begs the question, “What defines art in a world increasingly shaped by technology?”

Our next featured artist is Claire Bush, a marketing major with a minor in emerging technology in business and design (ETBD). On campus she’s involved in the Digital Marketing Club, Women in Marketing, Chi Omega and Best Buddies. In her free time she enjoys working out, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family. Her dream job is to be a luxury brand marketing specialist or a marketing specialist for a pharmaceutical company. She has multiple photography pieces featured in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “Supacolor,” “Tied Up,” and “Distortion.”

Our next featured artist is David Shuppert, who has a double major in communication design and emerging technology in business and design (ETBD). On campus he’s involved in the Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum as well as the Miami Communications Department. In his free time he enjoys jogging, biking, cooking, animating, and doodling. His dream job is to work for a design agency. He has two pieces featured in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “For a Moment, I Thought I Was Alone” and “The Feedback Loop.”

Our next featured artist is Griffin Wayne, an art education major. On campus he’s involved in NAEA as well as the Visual Arts Club. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his friends and his partner, chatting, listening to music, watching movies and shows, and playing games. His dream job is to be a comic book artist. He has multiple pieces in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “You will not make the next advancement in human creativity by removing human touch,” “Black Mold Hot Wax,” and “AI Goes on Strike!.”

Our next featured artist is Grace Wilson, a junior media and communications major with a minor in film studies and emerging technology in business design (EBDT). On campus she’s involved in Miami Television and News as well as Redhawk Radio. In her free time she enjoys reading romcoms, listening to music, watching movies, and going shopping. Her dream job is to be a travel videographer. Her piece in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence is titled “The Newest Monster Under the Bed.”

Our next featured artist is Isa Obradovich, a junior studying art education. On campus she’s involved in NAEA Student Chapter, Office of Transformational and Inclusive Excellence DEI Student Advisory Council, College of Creative Arts ED&I Committee, CCA Scholars, and CCA Dean’s Advisory Council. In her free time she enjoys creating art, making social media content for her art, and skating. Her dream job is to be a middle school art teacher at a bilingual education school. She has two pieces in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “An Artist’s Eye” and “Patience.” 

Our next featured artist is Laura Schonken, a senior studying fashion design and botany. On campus she’s involved in Climbing Club, X/Y Axis, and Miami Film Society. In her free time she enjoys skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, and backpacking. Her dream job is to be a fashion designer for an outdoor gear company. Her piece in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence is titled “Digital Earth: Nature’s Essence through Artificial Eyes.”

Our next featured artist is Madeline Strom, a sophomore studying zoology and Spanish. On campus she’s involved in Miami Club Skating, PreVeterinary Club, Memory and Learning Club, and Marine Bio Club. In her free time she enjoys skating, art, music, and nature. Her dream job is to be a zoo veterinarian. Her piece in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence is titled “Breaking from “Perfection.”

Our next featured artist is Madi Patton, a freshman studying fashion design and communication design. On campus she’s involved in Stage Left, Miami University Fashion and Design, and Miami University Symphony Orchestra. In her free time she enjoys experimenting with art, being outside, and listening to music. Her dream job is to be a creative director for a fashion brand. Her piece in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence is titled “Self Portrait.”

Our next featured artist is Meg Pearson, a junior studying arts management and entrepreneurship as well as art therapy. On campus she’s involved in the Art Museum Student Association. In her free time she enjoys reading, working out, crafts, walking, drawing, and anything sporty. Her dream job is to be an art therapist specializing in forensic art therapy in a prison. She has multiple pieces in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “Almost Us,” “Claude 3: I Become You,” and “Intelligent Sara: Her Ecosystem.”

Our next featured artist is Preston Anderson, a senior studying finance and business analytics as well as studio art. On campus he’s involved in Alpha Kappa Psi and the Visual Arts Club. In his free time he enjoys traveling, spending time outdoors, and painting. His dream job is to be a consultant with Alvarez and Marsal, which he does currently. He has two pieces in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “In Rupture” and “Cosmic Tapestry.”

Our next featured artist is Reilly Powers, a senior studying art education and studio art. On campus she’s involved in NAEA. In her free time she enjoys pottery, cooking, and spending time with her cat. Her dream job is to be an art teacher. Her piece in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence is titled “F Reality.”

Our next featured artist is Sammi Meyers, a senior studying communication design and emerging technology in business and design (ETBD). On campus she’s involved in Miami Dance Corps. In her free time she enjoys dancing, traveling, skiing, making art, and spending time with friends and family. Her dream job is to be in a collaborative environment in the design field. She has multiple pieces in the Student Response Exhibition: ARTificial Intelligence titled “Blurred Lines” “Face Off,” and “Unbroken Records.”

Our next featured artist is Victoria Marx, a junior studying media and communication and arts management. On campus she’s involved in Redhawk Radio and the Media and Communication Department. In her free time she enjoys making art, singing, writing, playing music, and being outside. Her dream job is to be a creative director.