Meet Audrey Fanshaw from Baltimore, Maryland. She is currently a fourth year Creative and Professional Writing Major with a minor in Art History. Audrey is a Collections Intern at the Miami University Art Museum this semester working with Laura Stewart, Collections Manager/Registrar. A lot of people ask why she decided to go to school so far away from home, and she was talked into going on a tour by her grandfather (a Miami Alum!) and ending up falling in love with the campus even though it was the middle of January.
She is also very involved in Miami athletics. She played club rugby for her first three years at Miami, and is currently an Intramural Sports Supervisor. She spends a lot of time outdoors either hiking or playing with her two dogs, and she volunteers at the animal shelter back home during breaks when she isn’t rewatching The Office for the tenth time. This past summer she worked as a marketing intern for Element Fleet Management, and loved being able to diversify her skills even further!
Working as a collections intern at MUAM, she is really looking forward to gaining more hands-on experience with her newfound interest in art, specifically with the Breverman Collection of ancient ceramics. She’s spent a lot of time in the Writing and English community at Miami, even assisting MUPress this semester, and can’t wait to get more involved with the Art Museum community here!