The non-profit organization FOTOFOCUS, which was founded in 2010 aims to incite discussion around the medium of photography, as well as celebrate and champion it. This unique organization holds various programs and events throughout the year meant to showcase a multitude of artists’ work, and promote it through a variety of means.
This year, one of the artists featured in Miami University Art Museum’s exhibitions, Hans Gindlesberger, is also featured in FOTOFOCUS’ biennial program.
FOTOFOCUS’ Biennial is the largest photography and lens-based biennial in America. The works chosen for this year follow the theme of Open Archive – emphasizing the centrality of photography and lens-based art to modernism, and examining our fundamental need to preserve photographs and to tell stories through their collection, organization, and interpretation. It is an exploration of how we organize and care for the unruly abundance inherent in lens-based art.
Gindlesgerger’s works are concurrent with the theme, and intend to further delve into the unfortunate realities of life in small town, post-industrial, Middle America. Gindlesberger’s exhibition I’m in the Wrong Film, is a truly illuminating exhibition that aims to incite discussion around the harsh realities many American face as a result of economic hardship and the decline of industrialism.
Come see Gindlesberger’s featured exhibition for yourself at the Miami University Art Museum and grab a FOTOFOCUS map that shows you the 65 other venues throughout the region!