Bridget Garnai, Arts Management Intern
The Miami University Art Museum (MUAM) is proud to announce the student artists who will be included in the Spring 2017 Student Response Exhibition, Conflict & Resolution.
Congratulations to these student-artists whose works were selected:
Amanda Adams, Patti Ann Cossel, Hannah Edmonds, Joshua Gabbard, Emma Leising, Alisha Mason, Mackenzie Mettey, Rebekah Mohn, GM Akand Sabik, Billy Simms, Claudia Tommasi and Caroline Ward

These students are currently in the process of delivering their prints, photographs, sculptures and paintings to the museum for display in Conflict & Resolution: A Student Response, which will be open in the Walter I. Farmer Gallery from January 24 to May 13, 2017. A student reception will be held on Friday February 10, 2017 from 7 to 10 pm. This year, the student reception will be held in conjunction with the Art Museum Student Organization and will feature a Steam Punk theme. (Stay tuned for more information about this exciting event!)
Also new this year, will be monetary awards sponsored by the Art Museum Membership Association. First, second and third prize will be determined by popular vote during the exhibition. Voting opens with the exhibition on January 24, 2017 and concludes on April 12, 2017. Awards will be announced and given at the Awards Ceremony Event on Thursday April 13, 2017 from 5 to 7 pm. Come out to the museum to support your favorite artist by casting your vote in the gallery!
Thank you to all who entered work to be considered for the Student Response exhibition this year. Stop by the museum this spring to see the MUAM commemorate the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entering World War I with WWI-themed exhibitions in each rotating gallery!