By Bridget Garnai, Arts Management Intern
For the upcoming fourth annual Student Response Exhibition, the Miami University Art Museum (MUAM) is calling for student artwork that responds to the theme of military conflict and resolution. This Student Response Exhibition will relate to the overall exhibition theme of World War I for the Spring 2017 semester, but students are not restricted to reactions or representations of this time period as they explore conflict and resolution through their own styles, processes, and mediums.
The World War I theme came about as a remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entrance into the global conflict on April 6, 1917. In addition to the Student Response Exhibition, the Miami University Art Museum will also be presenting “Over Here, Over Here! U.S. Propaganda and the Arts of World War I” and the capstone project for Art & Architecture History students, an exhibition on prints circa World War I. An important and memorable piece of WWI propaganda is J.M. Flagg’s I Want You for U.S. Army poster featuring the character popularly recognized as “Uncle Sam”. This famous poster will be on view as part of “Over Here, Over Here! U.S. Propaganda and Arts of World War I” and the MUAM has enlisted Uncle Sam’s help in recruiting students to submit to the Student Response Exhibition.

Besides the honor of having your artwork displayed in an accredited art museum, the MUAM is excited to be able to offer cash prizes to the first, second, and third best pieces in the exhibition this year! The exhibition itself will be selected by jury, but the placing of the pieces will occur during the exhibition by way of popular vote. First prize will receive $500, second prize is $250, and third is $100. The exhibition is sponsored by the Art Museum Membership Organization. The deadline for entry is October 16, 2016. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to express your understanding of military conflict and resolution!
For more information about the theme and submission process for the Student Response Exhibition, visit the Miami University Art Museum website. Questions? Please contact Curator Jason Shaiman at shaimaje@miamioh.edu.