by Colin Baker, Communications Intern
As I opened the glass door to go into the Art Museum this morning, it dawned on me that I have been working here for over a month. These days have flown by, so much so I haven’t even realized the transition from my first few training days, to coming into work and having strategy meetings with the other interns and staff regarding the major projects were working on. Coming into the Art Museum feels like anything but work, actually. While making strides of progress on the projects were working on, it somehow does not feel like this could be an actual job, maybe because of the unique environment or opportunities, or the staff that makes you feel like you’re right at home, either way, I’m glad to have the opportunity to intern here.
I glossed over my actual introduction, but my name is Colin Baker, and I am a senior at Miami University graduating in August 2016. I am majoring in both strategic communications and liberal studies, with a focus in business and social science. I am from Mason, OH, where Kings Island is located, and graduated from William Mason High! In my free time, I love being outdoors, enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, hiking, and running. I also love music, and spend most of my time practicing and playing guitar. On campus I am involved in PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) and CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ).
The core focus of my internship at the Miami University Art Museum is to work with the museum staff and the other interns to generate and publish content on the Miami University Art Museum blog. However, I also am other working with the other interns and the Art Museum’s Marketing & Communications person, Sherri Krazl on the 2016-17 marketing communications plan. We have come up with some exciting new ideas that I am excited to help implement, on the blog and for the Art Museum!
So far, during the course of my internship, I believe the thing I’ve enjoyed the most has been attending and working the booth for the College of Creative Arts and Miami University Art Museum at the new student orientation. Having experience as a student at Miami, I have been able to give insight to incoming students about activities and opportunities to get involved in; I also really enjoy talking to people.
Back at the Art Museum, my favorite exhibition is the Global Perspectives exhibit because of the history and diverse cultures of the world it displays, and represents, in the art on display. Global Perspectives is an ongoing exhibition that stays open whenever the museum galleries are open (reopening August 30, 2016). My favorite sculpture in the sculpture park is Three Storms by Barry Gunderson because while most people actually interpret it, or recognize it, as something else (students commonly refer to this sculpture as “the Quidditch hoops” from the Harry Potter series) when you actually analyze this sculpture, you can see deeper, and almost hidden meaning in the circles, lines, and shapes used to portray a storm being told through the medium of a sculpture.
Looking forward, I am both excited and grateful to be working at the Miami University Art Museum and look forward to bringing more content to the blog over the course of my internship!