Member Spotlight

Name, Department, and Title
Vicka D. Bell-Robinson, Ph.D., Office of Residence Life, Director
Brief Bio of yourself
Vicka Bell-Robinson, using pronouns, she, her, hers, has worked professionally in
Higher Education for the last 17 years, and is currently the Director of Residence Life at
Miami University. Prior to joining Miami in 2007, she held positions at North Central College and Ball State University. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Illinois, a Master of Education in College Student Personnel from Grand Valley State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership from Miami University. Vicka strives to lead with intention and believes that one of the most important things she can do is work to be the best leader possible for the students we serve. She values creating powerful and effective co-curricular experiences for college students, while simultaneously providing leadership, vision, and support for staff. She does this through developing meaningful campus partnerships and utilizing data-driven decision making in order to evolve approaches to on-campus living, student development, and organizational management to be in alignment with student needs, shifting priorities, and changes in structure. Vicka lives in Fairfield, Ohio with her husband Frank, and three children, Juliana, Olivia, and Elijah.
What is your role at Miami University?
I provide vision and strategic direction a residential system housing approximately 8,100 undergraduate students, consisting of over 300 student, graduate, and professional team members. I support the Office of Community Standards by serving as a hearing officer, including chairing Title IX cases. I collaborate with campus partners to provide students with a safe and vibrant learning environment that supports the academic mission. I also work in partnership with members of the Division of Campus Services and the Physical Facilities Department on occupancy, construction planning, and other facilities related topic. Respond to crises and serious incidents in collaboration with supervises, student staff, and university resources.
What is the favorite part about working at Miami University or the proudest moment?
I get to participate in work that I really enjoy with people I really like. There are quite a few alumni Residence Life staff members who I recruited to Miami in Residence Life. After several years in Residence Life, they transitioned to other opportunities at Miami and continue to make a positive difference on this campus in other departments.
What are 3 words best describe you?
Relational, Reflective, Honest
What you currently watching on Hulu or Netflix?
Nothing right now.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The only place I have traveled out of the country is to Canada, so any other
international experience would be great.
What do you do for fun?
Watching movies, hanging out with my children and husband, listening to books, and podcasts.