James Baldwin with his nephew and namesake outside Lewis H. Michaux’s African National Memorial Bookstore, Harlem

Photo of James Baldwin and his nephew outside of Lewis H. Michaux's African National Memorial Bookstore.

James Baldwin (right), born and raised in Harlem, New York, was a prominent writer and activist in the Civil Rights Movement and the Gay Rights Movement. In 1963, Baldwin published two essays in his book, The Fire Next Time, which focused on segregation and the struggle for equal rights. The first essay was addressed to his 14-year old nephew who stands with Baldwin outside of Lewis H. Michaux’s African National Memorial Bookstore. Many civil rights activists and leaders met at the now historic bookstore and reading room. After reading a 1963 New Yorker article, Steve Schapiro contacted Life magazine and asked to do a story on Baldwin, which ran in the May issue. Baldwin later introduced Schapiro to other leading activists, sparking Schapiro’s life-long interest in civil rights.  

Steve Schapiro (American, 1934-2022)
James Baldwin with his nephew and namesake outside Lewis H. Michaux’s African National Memorial Bookstore, Harlem, January, 1963
Silver gelatin print, 15 3/4 x 19 11/16 inches
Partial Gift of Stephen Schapiro and Miami University Art Museum purchase with contributions from the Kezur Endowment Fund