JDM Lab Suite is a program that Joseph Johnson – Psychology and his graduate students use in their research of judgment and decision making (JDM). The program displays a grid (as shown below) of similar objects and their attributes. For example, each row of the grid could represent a car, and each column of the grid could represent an attribute of a car, such as its cost, color, model year, etc. The grid cell at the intersection of a row and column has the relevant information, e.g., the color of a Toyota. The information is not visible.
To perform an experiment the subject moves the cursor from cell to cell. Only the information in the cell that has the cursor is visible. The subject looks at whatever information she needs to determine what car she wants. The program keeps track of the path the cursor takes through the grid, the time spent in each cell, etc. The researchers then use this information in their mathematical models of how people make judgments and decisions.
5/19/2006 – present
C++, GUI, XML, interactive, Embarcadero (Borland)